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Let us introduce ourselves. We are the Schrowang's; Jesse, Brooke, Izabelle, Malachi, Micah, Amelia, and Emmaline. We feel the call from God to plant churches. We live in Commerce, TX and host The Gathering in our home for anyone who is interested.

We desire to return to the roots of Christianity and the church. To de-program "church" and equip families to take responsibility for their growth in Christ. Jesse was a youth pastor for 4 years and has always held a non-tradition view on youth groups and ministry. For example we believe it is each member of the church to disciple, feed & clothe the poor, love their neighbors, and follow Christ. The pastors job is not to do those things but to equip the church to do the things of Christ. The pastor does those tasks as well, but it is not his job solely. The first church in Acts believed that everyone who followed Christ would do ministry. Ministry is not just for pastors, youth pastors, children's pastors, or music pastors, but for all Christians. We desire to see parents leading and discipling their children. We desire to have a church where every person is discipling someone, if not multiple people.


About Us

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