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What We Believe



We are a church in the new testament sense. In the book of Acts (Acts2:42-47) it describes a church as being a fellowship of people who follow Jesus Christ. They devoted themselves to the apostles teachings (what is now the Bible’s New Testament), to fellowship, to eating meals together and remembering the Lord’s Supper, and to prayers. Acts tells us that because they devoted themselves to these things, God was adding to them daily! Not a few times a year, but daily! We do not seek to build buildings, to run programs, or to have the biggest church. We desire to build up the body of Christ through discipleship.


Discipleship starts with the spread of the Gospel, but it doesn’t stop there. Once someone turns to Jesus from their sins, it is vital to instill in the person what it means to follow Jesus and how to do it. This is discipleship. It is not a program, although programs can be useful. It is a pouring of ones life and knowledge of Christ into another, so that they can pour into another and so on.


We desire to be family oriented. Which means that we actually do not plan on offering children’s, youth, or adult programs. We desire that fathers lead their families in the ways of Christ. Scripture calls men the head of the household. We see many examples of men in scripture, coming to Christ and the family following. Modern churches tend to do the opposite. They reach out to the kids and youth and hope the parents will come. We want to reach out to the parents and the kids will come. It is a time proven fact. How the father is, how he acts, how he leads; echos through the entire family. If he is un-involved in the child’s life they are more likely to have a rougher life. However if the father is present and active in the child’s life he has a deeper impact on how the child turns out. So we desire to disciple fathers who will then disciple and lead their families in the Way of Christ.

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